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<< Embodiment of ideas

It’s a rather curious phenomenon, how poetry and written language are capable of transmitting ideas that we not necessarily have experienced but that we are capable of understanding.   Expressions such as burning passion , or bitter cold seamlessly transmit to us ideas not possible in nature but that we still understand. Assigning characteristics to objects expand the dimensions of our understanding by establishing parallels from our physical reality that we can relate to. It is an essential part of what Bachelard (and many others for that matter) refer to as the culture of the logos.   The transmission of ideas through words as a way of organizing the world . At the risk of transgressing the boundaries of my own understanding, I must wonder if words are not simply higher versions of the pictorial elements integrating our individual alphabets.  We are after all, creatures that thrive in storytelling. The question deepens if we establish some sort of progression in the developme

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